Sunday, September 30, 2007

I've got the bug

I'm here. Just not posting. The soy silk shawl is going well. I've got wool for two more pieces (sigh) and have started a new sweater. So much knitting and just not enough time. I'd gladly knit all day every day...

I found the charger for the camera but haven't had time to take photos. It's on my to-do list for this week.

I've started my fall run of classes. I teach three classes on Saturdays. It makes for a very long day and an even longer week. My students are all fabulous. They're fun, dynamic and eager learners. It makes the day completely worthwhile and I find myself floating from one class to the next. I forget how much I enjoy teaching until I'm sitting at the table with my students and I'm knowingly in "the zone".

At my last knit night I was catching up with one my knitting buddies and filling her in one some of the projects I had on the needles or in the queue. She looked at me and shook her head as she declared "You've got the bug".

I've got the bug.

And with that, I'm off to cast on for the second sleeve on my new sweater.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

They're off

I have sent out an email to my LYS with my very first patterns for sale. I'll drop off the store samples tomorrow.

This all feel very strange.

(On the running front, I was supposed to be doing a 90 second run/2 minute walk this week, but it's killing me. For whatever reason 60 second run/60 second walk is that's what I'm doing.)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Kitty swears and other adventures

Squish fell off something last week and ended up with a gimpy leg. When I first saw her she was dragging her left leg behind her and I launched into full panic mode. After a $100 vet visit and a prescription for 4 days worth of kitty aspirin, I returned home with a very quiet cat. Unless she was shifting her weight onto the left side - and the noises that sounded suspiciously like kitty swears. Really, really nasty kitty swears. She seems to be better (she has cleaned up her language) and the limp is not as pronounced. It was hard to see my Squishy in pain - and everything time I look at her I know that buried deep within her furry soul is trucker waiting to be released. (I'll bet she's got a pack of cigarettes and some tattoos under all that fur.)

I still haven't found the camera charger, but I did borrow a friend's - so here is the Blue Alpaca Shaw that needs a name.